Irisa Laboratory
国立大学法人 九州工業大学 情報工学部
物理情報工学科 生物物理工学コース
M.Irisa,K.Nagayama,and F.Hirata,Chem.Phys.Letters,207,430-435(1993)
Irisa, M., Takahashi, T., Nagayama, K. and Hirata, F.:Solvation free energies of non-polar and polar solutes reproduced by a combination of extended scaled particle theory and the Poisson-Boltzmann equation,Molecular Physics,85,1227-1238(1995)
M.Irisa,T.Takahashi,F.Hirata,and T.Yanagida,Journal of Molecular
Irisa, M.:An Elegant Algorithm of The Analytical Calculation for The Volume of Fused Spheres With Different Radii, Computer Physics Communications,98,317-338(1996)
Irisa, M., Takahashi, T., Gondo, S. and Kakizaki, K.:VRBIOMOL(VRML code generator for the representation of the surface and interior of the biomolecule), Proceedings of 4th international conference on virtual systems and multimedia VSMM'98,2,366-371(1998)
Molecular Theories of Partial Molar Volume,F.Hirata,T.Imai,and M.Irisa, Rev. High Press. Sci. & Tech,8,96(1998)
Mitsutake, A., Irisa, M.,Okamoto, Y., and Hirata, F.:Classification
of Low-Energy Conformation of Met-Enkephalin in the Gas Phase and in a
Model Solvent Based on the Extended Scaled Particle Theory, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 72, 1717 (1999)
Irisa, M.:Theoretical Characterization of the Long-range Attraction
between G-actin Molecules through the Excluded Volume Effect, Journal of
Biological Physics,28,347-357(2002)
Calculation of Mean Force between Associating Actin Molecules
through Excluded Volume Effect by using Extended Scaled Particle Theory.
Masayuki Irisa、49th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society、Long Beach,
Calculation of molecular crowding effect between two actin
molecules making contact
Masayuki Irisa、15th IUPAB & 5th EBSA International Biophysics
Calculation of molecular crowding effect between two actin
molecules making contact through excluded volume effect
Yoshimi Shimada、Masayuki Irisa、PACIFICHEM 2005、pp.138-TECH、Hawaii、
Calculation of Heat Capacity of Protein by Using Extended
Scaled Particle Theory
Nobue Kurose、Kenta Matsuo、Masayuki Irisa、PACIFICHEM 2005、pp.138-
Heat Capacity of Protein and Hydration Entropy
Masayuki Irisa、Hitomi Kitazato、Joint Conference of JMLG/EMLG Meeting
2007 and 30th Symposium on Solution Chemistry of Japan: Molecular
Approaches to Complex Liquids System、Vol.11、No.11、pp.11、Fukuoka、日